Some VFX and look development I did for the project.
The look was intentonally 90s due to its inspiration by the sci-fi novel Jonny Mnemonic.
The look was intentonally 90s due to its inspiration by the sci-fi novel Jonny Mnemonic.
Stills from the look development for the data download and deteroration, when Jonny overloads data.
MEMORIA is an immersive four-channel expanded cinema installation with custom software and hardware elements. It combines ethnographic research, science fiction, and recombinatory forms of cinema that appropriate found or pirated footage. Gibson’s Johnny Mnemonic is a data trafficker who has undergone cybernetic surgery to have a data storage system implanted in his brain.
Dayron VillalonChris Gómez Gónzalez CAst
Director of Photography | Nicole Medvecka
Costumes | Raki Fernandez
CGI & VFX | Alexander Bley
Editor | Ginés Olivares, Miguel Coyula
Sound design | Lorenz Fischer & Malte Audick
Music | Johannes Klingebiel
in collaboration with Nestor Siré and Erick Mota